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IGD Approved by UNESCO Executive Board

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

Yesterday the proposal for an International Geodiversity Day crossed what could be argued to be its hardest test, as it was approved by unanimity within one of the UNESCO Executive Board Commissions. More than 70 countries have co-sponsored this proposal, which is a sign of the remarkable support is has from all continents! We are so grateful to colleagues who have helped secure the support of such a wide and diverse group of countries.

What is the next step? The IGD proposal will be formally accepted by the Plenary meeting of the UNESCO Executive Board next Wednesday (this should be a formality), and will then be submitted to the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference that will held in November 2021.

Many thanks also to so many of you for having joined us yesterday afternoon for the Promoting Geodiversity workshop. It was an inspiring few hours to have more than 600 colleagues from around the world coming together and explore the potential of IGD.

Please, feel free to follow all updates at, and online via #InternationalGeodiversityDay

With all good wishes,

José Brilha

Murray Gray

Jack Matthews

Zbigniew Zwolinski

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