In celebrating the International Geodiversity Day, the Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong has been organising a series of workshop starting from January until November of 2022. The main themes of the workshops are based on the geodiversity of all continents around the globe except Antarctica. The first workshop on Asia was organised on Jan 26, 2022 and had been attended by 120 participants from all over the world. The 2nd workshop was held on Feb 26, 2022 with the special topic on the recent volcanic eruption in Tonga. It had been attended by 180 participants. This upcoming workshop on March 30, 2022 will focus on the geodiversity of Europe. We have invited four important speakers from Portugal, United Kingdom, Italy and Poland. The workshop is fully supported by UNESCO’s International Geodiversity Day (IGD), International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks (IJGP) as well as Geoconservation Research Journal (GRJ).
Date: 30 March 2022 (Wed)
Time: Hong Kong Time (UTC+8:00)
19:15 - 19:30 Registration
19:30 - 22:00 Presentations, Q & A
Topics and speakers:
1. Geodiversity, geoheritage and geoconservation strategies in Portugal by Asst. Prof. Paulo Pereira, Earth Sciences Department, University of Minho, Portugal
2. Celebrating the Origins of Animals Life: Building a UNESCO Global Geopark in Charnwood Forest, U.K. by Dr. Jack Matthews, Geoheritage Conservation and Interpretation Officer, Charnwood Forest Geopark, U.K.
3. Geodiversity of Italy and its importance for the European cultural landscape by Assoc. Prof. Marco Giardino, Applied Geomorphology at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Torino, Italy
4. Geodiversity in Poland by Prof. Zbigniew Zwolinski, Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Language: English
Fee: Free
Software: Zoom (Login details will be sent by email later)
1. enter google form https://forms.gle/Lb41X2sjotJX7QCc7 ,
2. email talk@rocks.org.hk to register indicating the following:
- Full Name (same as Identity Document)
- Email Address
- Affiliation
Registration deadline: 24 March 2022 Enquiries: talk@rocks.org.hk
Successful registrants will be notified by email later. In case of any disputes, the decision of AGHK shall be final and conclusive.
Brief Biography of speakers
Asst. Prof. Paulo Pereira’s research interests include geomorphology, geodiversity and geoheritage assessment and management. He was one of the coordinators of the Portuguese inventory of geosites with national and international relevance. He is the national representative member of International Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage (ProGEO) and is also a member of European Federation of the Geologists (EFG), Panel of Experts on Geological Heritage and member of the Geoheritage Specialist Group of World Commisssion on Protected Areas - International Union for Conservation of Nature (WCPA - IUCN).
Dr Jack Matthews is the Geoheritage Conservation and Interpretation Officer for the Charnwood Forest Geopark, U.K., and a freelance consultant in geoheritage, geoconservation, and geotourism. He is an Honorary Associate at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, where he continues his involvement of research, both into the Ediacaran rocks of Avalonia, and studies to inform the management of geosites. Jack is one of the advocators of the UNESCO International Geodiversity Day.
Assoc. Prof. Marco Giardino is co-chair of the Geosite and Geodiversity Working group (AIGEO Italian Association of Geomorphologists) and member of International Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage (ProGEO) and Italian Society of Environmental Geology (SIGEA). He is also scientific coordinator of the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark, co-chair of the Working Group on Landform Geodiversity, International Association of Geomorphologists and Scientific Advisor on geodynamics/geoheritage at the UNESCO - International Geoscience Programme (IGCP). His research interests include alpine geomorphological landscape, geodiversity, and geoconservation and sustainable development of mountain territories.
Prof. Zbigniew Zwolinski researches in geography, geomorphology and geoinformatics (GIS). His current projects comprise 'An Experimental Study of Public Participation in Urban Land Use Planning Using Web-based Geographic Information System' and 'Late-glacial and present landscape evolution following deglaciation in a climate sensitive High Arctic region'. He is also interested in geodiversity and geoconservation and is one of the advocators of UNESCO’s International Geodiversity Day.
Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong