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Celebrating International Geodiversity Day in Brno, Czechia

Writer's picture: IGDIGD

Geodiversity in a city: A guided walk through geological history of Brno

700 million years beneath our feet 8th October 2022, 14 h, Denisovy sady, Brno Brno is the place where old and new meet. The second biggest city in Czechia is situated on the border of older Bohemian massive (composed of rocks more than 700 Ma older) and younger Wester Carpathian Foredeep (with Neogene and Quaternary sediments). This results in high lithological and morphological diversity which have influenced the human settlement (already in Palaeolithic) and later supported the urban development. Geodiversity has close links to the culture and history which is reflected in numerous old abandoned quarries or building material used on local monuments. Let’s explore the long and adventurous geological history of the Brno city by walking on mid-oceanic ridges, ancient sea floors and large river sediments deposited during catastrophical flood events. The guided walk is organised by Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with Tourist Information Centre in Brno.

Contemplating Earth ("Earth Days")

6th October 2022, 9 - 16 h, Mendel University, Zemědělská 3, Brno A workshop organised by Department of Geology and Soil Science, Mendel University in Brno (Czechia) is dedicated mainly to the Soil Science topics, but also geodiversity and its social and cultural relevance. Soil is one of the components of geodiversity, which, however, is often neglected. Bearing in mind that this important and unreplaceable resource is continuously being threatened by erosion, construction or contamination (among others), we will discuss different aspects of soil research focused on the ongoing changes of soils induced mainly by human activity, risks that are affecting soils and their components and of course, sustainable use and practical management measures that may prevent the loss of this unique resource that we are highly dependent on.

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