The event aims to celebrate the 1st "International Geodiversity Day". The event, organized by the "Women in Geosciences" group of the Department of Earth and Geoenvironmental Sciences of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, and by the entire Department, is part of the activities of the PLS (Piano Lauree Scientifiche = Scientific Degree Plan) and Settimana del Pianeta Terra (Planet Earth Week). The event will take place in the Aula Magna of the Department, in mixed mode (in person, and online on the TEAMS platform), and will cover the morning starting at 9.00 (local time). Some aspects of geodiversity will be illustrated, through short seminars and films aimed in particular at young students of the last years of Second Level Secondary Schools. The purpose of this event is therefore twofold: on the
one hand to demonstrate that geodiversity is at the basis of the variability of natural environments, and on the other to encourage young people to undertake studies in the field of Earth Sciences.
In particular:
The event is sponsored by several organizations and societies, including: Ministry of Ecological Transition, National Council of Geologists, Geological Society of Italy, Paleontological Society of Italy, Physical Geography and Geomorphological Association of Italy, Environmental Geology Society of Italy, Order of Geologists of Puglia, YouthMappers UNIBA.
PROGRAM 9.00-12.00
After a short presentation of the event by Director of Department of Earth and Geoenvironmental Sciences of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, three seminars will follow:
- Luisa Sabato The Geosites Project of the Puglia Region.
(Puglia geodiversity: perspectives for geotourism in Parks).
- Veronica Guerra I chose geology, or rather, geology chose me!
(Why should one choose to study our planet? What perspectives exist after University? Is it useful to be a geologist? An account of the work and life experience of a young Earth Scientist).
- Giuseppe Nerilli Geoparks: among conservation, sustainability and tourism. The first andean geopark proposal
(The case of the "Torotoro" National Park, in the Bolivian Andes. A path that sees the involvement of the entire population in the values recognition, the training for conservation, the educational project and for the sustainability of tourism).
Short films will be screened between seminars: the video made by Prof. Ian Stewart, born to support the institution of the International Geodiversity Day (title: Geodiversity, the silent partner of Biodiversity); videos produced by “Women in Geosciences" group of the Department of Earth and Geoenvironmental Sciences of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, aimed at young School students, illustrating through the voice of young University students the topics covered in the Geological Sciences Degree Course.
At the end of each seminar questions young school students can ask questions to the speakers.
Closing of the event by PLS (Piano Lauree Scientifiche = Scientific Degree Plan) Responsible and by Coordinator of the degree in Geological Sciences.
Some information on the speakers:
Luisa Sabato is Full Professor of Geology at Department of Earth and Geoenvironmental Sciences of the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy). Her research themes are: stratigraphy and sedimentology; coastal dynamics; field mapping; geoheritage and geodiversity.
Veronica Guerra studied in Urbino, and lives and works in the Apennines among Tuscany, Romagna and Marche regions (Italy). She has
a PhD in Earth Sciences with a thesis on the geomorphology and geotouristic enhancement of the Marecchia river valley. She works as an Environmental Hiking Guide and environmental educator on a project basis.
Giuseppe Nerilli is a Senior Expert in International Cooperation for Development, Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas and Ecosystem Services Assessment. Member of the IUCN - WCPA TAPAS Group and of the Society of Conservation Biologists, IPBES Expert for the "Business and Biodiversity Report" and Expert for the Cultural Routes program of the Council of Europe.
